Scroll Depth Google Analytics plugin for measuring page scrolling

Scroll Depth is a small Google Analytics plugin that allows you to measure how far down the page your users are scrolling. It monitors the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll points, sending a Google Analytics Event at each one. You can also track when specific elements on the page are scrolled into view. On a blog, for example, you could send a Scroll Depth event whenever the user reaches the end of a post. The plugin supports Universal Analytics, Classic Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager.
Setting It Up:
<script src="jquery.scrolldepth.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
Pixel Off Depth
// Example with options
  minHeight: 2000,
  elements: ['#comments', 'footer'],
  percentage: false,
  userTiming: false,
  pixelDepth: false
