Quarkxpress, How to Show text Around my Image?

If You want to Show Your text around any image, Just like this in Picture
Before Explain this trick, I want to say that, Lots of designers think, That This trick is so easy in Indesign than Quarkxpress. Well Everything is easy if You have knowledge about it. So Don't be panic and Just follow this simple trick

First thing First, You guys should know that, Use this trick, You should choose a Picture in PNG or PSD, which I'm using. Now Just Add Picture Content Tool and Add anywhere You want in Text area. Now Insert Image through crl + E or command + E.

You will notice that, Image add, Its coming same like other images. To check it select Image and fill color in image, You'll check color fill inside the image box. Note that, if color not fill then You are using wrong format of Image.(PNG OR PSD OR ELSE YOU THINK)

If everything is going perfect, then Select image and press ctl + T or Command + T

now window will open same like we talk in previous tutorial, now check below, a Runaround section will appear now Just use Alpha Channel and you will see that its working perfect which you want or you can see in picture.

Thanks to follow.
