Ruby On Rails Pagination with Kaminari Gem

Hey, Well Friends, if you are searching Pagination code for your rails application, then I think This
gem will help you. This is Kaminari gem, It is a clean, easy and flexible solution which uses scopes to flow nicely with Models.

for using this gem, Suppose you create a model name 'Posts', and you want to adjust your posts through pagination. so now

1. First thing First, Add this gem in your gemfile, like this :

$ gem 'kaminari'
and run the bundle command in your terminal.

2. Now, if "The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied" then run the command
$ rails g kaminari:views default
3. Now go on your posts controller and add this code:
$ @posts = Post.order("name").page(params[:page]).per(5)
4. Now go to your config/locales/en.yml file and paste this code, and then adjust it according to you.

  hello: "Hello world"
      previous: "< Previous"
      next: "Next >"
      truncate: "..."

5. Now finally on your views section add
<%= paginate @posts %>
That's it now I hope Pagination doing perfect, if you face any problem just comment it.
